Saturday, June 16, 2018

May 2018 Portfolio Summary

In this post I will go over my current portfolio status. The portfolio has been growing at a faster rate recently due to share price accumulation and some non-reoccurring income that I cashed in during May to June. I'll start the portfolio summary with a short summary of what the environment is like in the market. Let's start with some charts of various market KPIs.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Some charts back up

My Portfolio Charts are back up (link on top of page). The new charting tool is interactive instead of just being a standing picture.

I had to break up the portfolio charts to two pages since there were too many charts to display on one page and it slows down the browser as the charts are not interactive.

For my Watchlist charts (link on right), those are still under construction and should be back hopefully in another week.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Site's stock charting is down

Looks like Scottrade has got bought out by TD Ameritrade a few months ago and this week TD changed the Scottrade embedded charting feature.

I will have to work on updating the charting system for the blog, so for the time being charts are unfortunately down :(

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Recent buy: V, CLX, KMB, PG, PEP

Added the following today

V $1330
CLX $1000
KMB $300
PG $300
PEP $400

Visa is slowly climbing to my #1 position in my portfolio. Here are my top 5s:

When I started the portfolio 4-5 years ago I thought $3000 was a large position. Now these positions are each big enough to buy their own new car.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Recent buy: MSFT, APD, PEP, KMB, NEE, etc

I plan to couple my purchases with lower yields and higher yields. This way I can maintain an average yield in the 2.5-3.0% range. Lower yielding companies are often ones I like due to their growth profile.

For example I can pair a Visa with a Pepsico
Or a Microsoft with AT&T
Or Stryker with Kimberly Clark.

So far in the last week and this week I purchased the following. Total costs for all these trades is around $8.
MSFT $2600
APD $326
NEE $163
ITW $146
PEP $200
KMB $100
ADP $132
V $130
MCD $159
CLX $120
XEL $134

I have topped up my Microsoft position quite a bit now. Going forward I am interested in increasing my weight in my lower yielding stocks like: SYK, V, MA, ROST, TJX (however this guy ran up way too much hard to justify a buy), ABT, GD, HON, ITW.

I will likely have to pair these purchases with a higher yielder and I am considering PEP, KMB, PG, WEC, GIS, KHC, JNJ, CLX, T.

My portfolio currently looks like this. Visa and Mastercard are growing quite large. They are performing very well on their own.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

May 2018 Dividends Received

Here is the cash dividends I got in May 2018. May is a light month. In June month I am expecting $1230 and July around $1250.

Ticker      Total    Taxable         401k
T $187.37 $187.37
PG $74.16 $63.14 $11.02
O $57.06 $57.06
CLX $49.78 $49.78
APD $45.58 $45.58
SBUX $38.07 $27.98 $10.09
GIS $32.17 $32.17
CL $26.47 $26.47
MA $20.14 $8.27 $11.87
ABT $19.49 $19.49
GD $16.80 $16.80
INTEREST $0.75 $0.31 $0.44
$567.84 $445.19 $122.65

Nothing out of the ordinary. Dividends come in and get spent on more shares of stock. Dividends are continuing to grow at a constant rate.