Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Recent buy: O, ADP, BDX ...

I purchased several shares of companies yesterday. Here are the amounts:

In the 401K:
O: $2145

In the taxable account:
ADP: $1162
MO: $1059
V: $919
PM: $1684
CLX: $1322
PG: $1295
BDX: $1813

A total of $11,399 was invested which will add nicely to my annual dividend income.

My 401k charges $8.95 per trade but my taxable account has 100 free trades a month so 7 of my trades were free and 1 was charged.


  1. Great buys in my favorite sector. Love the staples and you picked up some very solid names. I like BDX, PG, CLX and PM long term.

  2. Great buys! Which brokerage do you use to get 100 free trades per month?

  3. Nice picks. That is a good chunk of money all at once. O is starting to get toward $50 which would be a great entry point.

  4. Good job lots of good companies you bought.
