Tuesday, March 1, 2016

February 2016 Dividends Received

Another February came and passed. But this time with more dividends!

Ticker          Total        Taxable        Roth IRA               401k
T $58.70 $58.70
HCP $37.17 $37.17
GIS $33.48 $21.77 $11.71
O $30.62 $30.62
VZ $23.37 $23.37
PG $22.71 $22.71
ABBV $18.13 $18.13
CL $13.17 $13.17
ABT $12.22 $12.22
AAPL $11.63 $11.63
MA $8.94 $8.94
SBUX $7.69 $7.69
APD $7.17 $7.17
CVS $5.79 $5.79
$290.79 $202.35 $67.79 $20.65

Heavy hitters this month are AT&T, HCP, and General Mills.

Last February I got around $150. This year's February was $290 so it is a decent boost. My dividend growth like it it's flattened but I think it will pick up later this year since some of my recent additions didn't catch the ex-dividend date.

1 comment:

  1. February looks like an very impressive dividend month. Nice work.
