Thursday, January 3, 2019

December 2018 Dividends Received

The last month in 2018 has finished. Here is the tally of what I received in December. $1403 in dividend cash payments were received, and this amount was reinvested back into the stocks that paid them. I think a lot of the purchases were done at depressed prices since the market is correcting, so that is good for acquiring more dividend income per dollar utilized.

Ticker      Total    Taxable         401k
JNJ $225.73 $219.82 $5.91
NEE $143.64 $103.98 $39.66
HD $143.05 $113.36 $29.69
D $122.14 $76.05 $46.09
MMM $119.85 $95.05 $24.80
KO $95.91 $95.91
WEC $87.62 $75.26 $12.36
BDX $70.89 $70.89
O $65.07 $65.07
V $54.26 $40.34 $13.92
ROST $44.48 $44.48
KHC $43.72 $43.72
MCD $42.01 $42.01
MSFT $39.77 $14.77 $25.00
HON $36.18 $36.18
TJX $35.06 $35.06
CHD $33.56 $19.59 $13.97
INTEREST $0.58 $0.54 $0.04
$1,403.52 $1,127.01 $276.51

For January I am expecting $1700 and February around $900.


  1. Young Div -

    Nice job crossing the 4 digits, so hard to do, takes time and patience. Also, do you pay high trading fees to have individual stocks in your 401k? Congrats!


    1. 401k is around $7 a trade. I do a buy there once every 2 months.

  2. Fantastic work. That forward dividend is starting to look really nice. Great work, looking forward to your next update.

  3. Nice job. Any month you can get over 1k is good keep it up

  4. Niche graph :) 45% degree growth and +1k$/mo income. your financialy independend already ;)

  5. Hey YD,

    Great job on your December passive income. As you mentioned, it was a volatile finish to the year which is actually great if you're reinvesting/investing during that period of time. Your dollars get put to work more efficiently.

    Keep up the consistency and that great graph you have will keep working its way upward steadily.

    Take care,

  6. Nice portfolio. I wish I had bought Home Depot years ago....

  7. Congratulation for your textbook progress! Your dividend growth rate and your added total working capital per year is insane.

    Thanks for being an inspiration to us with your detailed and timely updates!

  8. Great stuff YD! $1,400 is huge. And now that dividend reinvestment is going to really start paying off. Out of curiosity how are you able to invest in individual companies in your 401k? Or is it a solo 401k? I'd much rather do that than just investing in the funds in my 401k, but alas they don't allow it. All the best in 2019!

    1. My previous employer had a 401k that offered a self directed brokerage. Lucky for me.
      My current employer does not so I opted to not use it. There will be no new purchases in the 401k.

      I plan to invest my money into tax paying accounts as I want the flexibility to be able to use the money when I want.

  9. wow nice month yd!

    Great list of dividend payers in there as well. Over 1k is huge.

    keep it up
