Monday, August 17, 2015

Recent buy: MA, JNJ, MMM, UTX ...

The following dollar amounts were added to my portfolio today (some will be executed early morning tomorrow).

MA - $2340
JNJ - $300
MMM - $300
UTX - $150
KMB - $200
XOM - $150

In total $3440 was invested this week. This is around $48 in annual income. The dividends are low since MA has a very low dividend. The MA's purchase is an emphasis on dividend and capital gains growth.

For MA: 
Morningstar assigns a fair value of $106
S&P assigns a fair value of $124. S&P gives this company an A- credit rating.

Jefferson Research has the following quality ratings for MA:
Operating Efficiency: STRONGEST
Balance Sheet: STRONGEST
Valuation: MEDIUM RISK

This is a decent enough discount for me to begin a starter position for a quality company.

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