Monday, December 3, 2018

Recent buy: large purchase

I decided to deploy around $44,000 across my various positions today. I could of bought a nice car or down-payment for a house but I decided to plop it in income investments. This is a large purchase for me and will boost my dividend income quite noticeably.

It is hard for me to time the market. I do not foresee needing this cash in the next year and my vocational income comes in every 2 weeks. My emergency cash fund is sufficient for my low expense lifestyle and the dividend income now per month is large enough to pay for a lot of random things if needed. So I decided to deploy it sooner than later as I am focusing on increasing my passive income. I sprayed it across basically all my positions.

*edit: I did not pay for trades as I get several a month from my broker
Trade  Action  Security  Quantity  Last Price  Total Paid
Buy   GIS  84 $41.19 $3,459.96
Buy   GD  6 $181.21 $1,087.26
Buy   ABT  10 $73.99 $739.90
Buy   MDT  5 $98.66 $493.30
Buy   HON  3 $149.26 $447.78
Buy   MCD  3 $185.26 $555.78
Buy   CL  46 $63.49 $2,920.54
Buy   SYK  5 $174.25 $871.25
Buy   SBUX  14 $67.67 $947.38
Buy   MSFT  6 $111.80 $670.80
Buy   D  10 $74.80 $748.00
Buy   TJX  22 $48.37 $1,064.14
Buy   CHD  10 $65.82 $658.20
Buy   WEC  27 $72.65 $1,961.55
Buy   KMB  13 $112.88 $1,467.44
Buy   KO  20 $49.39 $987.80
Buy   PG  32 $92.68 $2,965.76
Buy   T  16 $31.60 $505.60
Buy   ITW  7 $139.37 $975.59
Buy   CLX  12 $164.10 $1,969.20
Buy   ADP  5 $146.77 $733.85
Buy   APD  14 $165.08 $2,311.12
Buy   XEL  34 $52.60 $1,788.40
Buy   MMM  5 $208.59 $1,042.95
Buy   MKC  3 $150.91 $452.73
Buy   MA  5 $207.33 $1,036.65
Buy   ROST  14 $85.07 $1,190.98
Buy   BDX  3 $252.15 $756.45
Buy   NEE  5 $181.94 $909.70
Buy   PEP  15 $118.13 $1,771.95
Buy   HD  3 $181.42 $544.26
Buy   V  10 $144.70 $1,447.00
Buy   PM  25 $86.69 $2,167.25
Buy   JNJ  10 $145.70 $1,457.00
Buy   MO  17 $55.56 $944.52
TOTAL:  $44,052.04

My portfolio now looks like the following (pretty much the same weightings except less cash)

After the purchase my annual dividends in the next 12 months increased to around $16,339 a year. I'm going to have to start paying more taxes in dividends now it seems. I think some time in 2019 I can reach $20,000 in annual dividends.


  1. Well done. As you stated, you don't need the cash, trying to figure out the "best" time to invest is impossible so why not put the cash to work immediately. I'm sure some would say this was too much to deploy at once but you really spread it out among a lot of positions. Good job.

  2. you seem to deploy your cash on green days only Mr. Young!

    1. I always felt if you short whatever I buy short term you'd do well! Haha.

      Fortunately going super long term and focusing on the income has treated me well so far.

    2. haha, yes, that would work for the short term... but you have selected great stocks that should do very well long term

  3. Hi Young Dividend. Brave. Little too brave for me. I would have deployed it over few months but all will workout well at the end for you.

  4. Wow. Just Wow. That is some serious cash and dividend income right there YD.



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