Monday, September 10, 2018

August 2018 Dividends Received

Here is the dividends received last month.

Ticker      Total    Taxable         401k
T $190.25 $190.25
PG $82.77 $71.65 $11.12
CLX $79.94 $79.94
O $57.89 $57.89
APD $56.88 $56.88
SBUX $45.93 $33.75 $12.18
GIS $35.96 $3.43 $32.53
CL $28.75 $28.75
ABT $24.34 $24.34
MA $20.18 $8.29 $11.89
GD $18.73 $18.73
INTEREST $1.86 $0.02 $1.84
$643.48 $516.03 $127.45

The growth is pretty well on track with my plans. Nothing unusual happened and everything is moving like clockwork. The moving average of my dividends per month is sitting at around $1056. August is a light month. I'm expecting $1250 in September and $1420 in October which will push the moving average higher.


  1. I really like your graph - How did you make the quarterly average and combined with the monthly diagram? I can't seem to figure it out in excel..

    1. I use Excel. Try searching online how to plot a trendline on a bar graph.

  2. good Job. Some good companies paying you. we will now refer to you as well aged dividend now lol. keep it up

  3. Young Div -

    Nice work over there, solid cash flow from both accounts and your trend is up - as the lower months are falling off/getting the pickup from these!

