Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Recent buy: V, PM, KMB, T ...

Today the following was added:

V: 20 shares = $2237
MDT: 5 shares = $389
CHD: 8 shares = $350
T: 10 shares = $330
PM: 6 shares = $617
KMB: 10 shares = $1119

The portfolio now looks like this (nothing changed really).


  1. Wow. Busy day for you Young. Long all of your purchases except CHD. Love MDT. Has been such a steady performer over the years. Tom

  2. Damn you are buying V at this level! Great buys by the way!

  3. Wow. Those are some moves right there Young Dividend. I love the list of companies you just purchased and they are some great, strong companies. Very jealous!


  4. Solid list of consistent dividend growers YD. I own some of all but CHD and KMB but both of those are on my short list of companies I'd like to add to my portfolio. All the best.

  5. Nice work again YD! I'm also considering adding V.

  6. That's a lot of great companies you bought shares of. I'm also looking at KMB.
